Friday, October 24, 2008

The Luristoplian Method of Tie Tying

The old Mole stood before the cracked mirror with his dewy-eyed son beside him, and said "Son, this is how you tie the Windsor Knot."  The small brown mole-child had watched his father tie such a knot every day before going off to General Electric, without knowing it had a name, much less such an aristocratic one.  He swore that, when he grew up and worked at a huge, soul-less firm like General Electric, he too would fasten his tie with the ancient knot of the Windsors.

Years passed, and the child grew into adult-hood.  His career rarely... no... never required that he wear a tie.  He spent his days painting pictures in rumpled, spattered sweat pants.  But every once in a while, he would go to a wedding, or an opera, or Thanksgiving dinner at his grandparents' retirement home (coat and tie required), and he would cast back in his mind to those hazy days when he stood by the mirror and watched his father tie the Windsor.

This is his approximation of that famous knot.

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